Sunday, December 16, 2012

At the mercy if the water...

 I'll not ever forget the sermon my Pastor preached the night before my 40th birthday a year ago.  It was entitled, "Being at the Mercy of the Water" the passage of scripture was from Ezekiel 47:1-12. He talked about how the water is like unto the Holy Spirit and how we can be ankle deep,  waist deep or swimming in the water of the Holy Spirit. 

 For your life to change and be used of God you have to get down in the water, be at the mercy of the flowing Holy Ghost...let it move you and wash over you.

when water is just around your ankles, it doesn't control your movement yet...but as you wade out a little farther, that is when you start to tell the difference. The ebb and flow of the water begins to push you.  Today, on my birthday as I read His word and think about how different my life is...why wouldn't I want to go swimming? My savior walks on the water!!!