Monday, June 3, 2013

Powerful Sermon

Today I listened to a sermon while riding through the woods and I was convicted  and stirred to reckon the truth of God in my life! I cried and prayed and believed! !

The following is just one tiny tiny piece of that powerful message...

Reckoning With Truth 
Eric Ludy

Romans 12:1-2
 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Phil. 1:6
 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

"Don't  measure today by your experience... you focus on fact (His word) and you let God deal with straightening up your experience to match the will of God. God has no interest in your failure. NONE. Which is why He has given you all the equipment. 

To complain about the fact that you had this false sense of having your shackles removed only to find out that your shackles were still on isn't an experience you should consult. 

If you have taken off the shackles; and this truth was reverberating in your soul at one time,  only to be a dog returning to your own vomit and there are your shackles again; This is what you need to do...get back in Christ and do it now!!

We are either controlled by sin or by God. .. which one is your master?

Either you Build rock by rock upon the foundation God has laid out in His word or you  falter at the very beginning and it stimeies taking anything from the storehouse of Heaven and applying it to your life!

Let him apply His grace to every dimension of your life"

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Being a " James 3:17 " kinda friend...

Sometimes, when faced with talking with someone, it can be hard to speak a plain truth.   I've often been afraid of hurting feelings or making someone mad...but what a disservice we do by trying to always be pleasing and avoiding the hard issues.  proverbs 29:5 says that "A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet"   ...It is sure to set us both up for sin and failure; but words of wisdom will be truthful and the truth brings freedom... John 8:32 The Lord's Word instructs us that "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  It does me nor anyone else any good if I don't adhere to the word in my encouragement.   

 The delicate thing is balance ....
We need to not be judge, jury and executioner in our counsel either... James 3:17 says that wisdom from above  is pure, gentle, peaceable,  full of mercy and good fruits; not partial, not hypocritical  and easily entreated...

I know in my own relationships, I treasure those few friends who will speak the truth of God over my life.  The ones I know will tell me to seek the Lord's word and  tell me, in love, just how it is.  I feel no judgment in their words, but only the witness of the Holy Spirit convicting my soul of where I need to change and comforting me when I need to feel peace.  I am by no means saying those conversation are always easy, I'm just saying that God is in them, they are good and they are needed!  
 I desire to be the kind of friend that is the " James 3:17 wisdom" packin' kind...the kind that always says," it ain't about us it's about Him!" "He loves you, seek His word" , "what would He say about it?" "You look to the Cross, hold on to it" And  "I LOVE YOU, NO MATTER WHAT!" the Lord deals with my heart more and more, I am finding this truth to be simple...flattery  is a "feel good fix" but godly encouragement is a sustaining healing ...It  might sting at first but his truth is a balm for our souls! ! I