Monday, December 16, 2013

And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust. Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.  (Psalm 78:18,41)

 We limit The Lord by having a spirit of unwillingness and with our attitudes of unconcern or indifference.  Just look at the church of Laodocia (rev 20) so many of us are lukewarm Christians who are full of preconceived ideas and unreasonable ways that bind the precious nail scarred hands from bringing us the peace and joy of His full blessings! Our Iack repentance and sin separate us from His presence. (is 59:1-2). Unbelief that he can and will do all that He has promised limits the Holy Spirit from manifesting fully in our walk with Him! 

"We are creatures of time , God lives in eternity" his thoughts and techniques are different than ours...there is no problem he can't handle and no promise he will not keep...if he is asking you to wait, then wait! If he is calling you to move, then move!  He is mighty!! There is no prayer he can not answer, no problem too big, and no promise he will not Him!! 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Best. Birthday. Cards. Ever.

I'll not ever forget the sermon my Pastor preached the night before my 40th birthday two years ago. It was entitled, "Being at the Mercy of the Water" the passage of scripture was from Ezekiel 47:1-12. He talked about how the water is like unto the Holy Spirit and how we can be ankle deep, waist deep or swimming in the water of the Holy Spirit. 
For your life to change and be used of God you have to get down in the water, be at the mercy of the flowing Holy Ghost...let it move you and wash over you.
when water is just around your ankles, it doesn't control your movement yet...but as you wade out a little farther, that is when you start to tell the difference. The ebb and flow of the water begins to push you. Today, on my birthday as I read His word and think about how different my life is...why wouldn't I want to go swimming? My savior walks on the water!!! 
Last year on the service before my Bday...

The next year on 12-8-12, my Pastor asked us...
"Do you have any room for Jesus?"
During His ministry even His own received Him not... The Romans didn't have room for Him; but there was a small band of common folk who were there and that little group was who He built His church upon! 
The world has no room for Him...
There is all kinds of room for pleasure, lies, anything that doesn't pertain to the truth, even other religions that are false... but it has not tolerance for His truth! 
They compromise!
They Substitute ceremonies and rituals for Jesus! He wants your heart not your sacrifice...he wants you to have personal faith.
There is only one place that God wants... It's the throne in your heart! Where your treasure is there is your heart also! 
When he in the throne there then He renews your mind and works things out in your life unto service with Him...he changes your mind and your heart
There is a lack of fear of God and the peace that it brings
If you have no room for Him you have too many affairs of this world! 
The cares of the world will fill you up...
The pleasures of the world pull you away too...
These crowd out Jesus!
Sin keeps your from making room for Him in your heart and life!
Will you make room for Him in your heart?
Wow! As a woman of God, that stirred my spirit to convict my soul to draw closer to Him and be careful of what I "crowd" Him out with! 

Now, again this year, was another sermon that was exactly what I needed...
From Isaiah 40:28... With patience we wait upon The Lord
Why we wait is just as important as how we wait..because we trust in who God is and what He can do!
It is good to wait...Lamentations 3:22-26 (25.26) 
Blessed are those who wait on Him...Is. 30:18
Those that wait upon him shall not be ashamed...Is. 49:28
Those that wait will be honored...Prov. 27:18
He will save those that wait upon him ...Prov 20:22
We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation...Is 25:9
Always remember who is asking you to confident that God will do everything He says He will do!! 

Could NOT have been a better message to my soul ...I'm so thankful I have a Heavenly Father who longs to talk with me and sends me the best Birthday. Cards. Ever.