Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Heavenly Vision

Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision. Acts 26:19

Sometimes I m walking so close to my Lord that I can feel His sweet breath of  wisdom kiss my cheek, then, at other times,  I'm so lost I can't even sense His presence as I pray.  In my busyness to get to where I'm going,  I get distracted.  I find, as my day begins, I leave pieces of my armor beside the bed and, day after day, I am not as prepared as I should be. I am weakened, and more susceptible to temptations and the wiles of the enemy.  I never want to be grow so busy that I become disobedient to the calling He has placed in my life.   He doesn't intend for me to get lost - I do that all by myself.  We can all lose sight of God's heavenly vision for our lives, but that doesn't mean He has. I challenge you,  as I have myself,  to take more time to listen for His voice, pray, ask Him to refresh your soul and renew our joy, and seek His calling in openness, with obedient hearts. It's no telling what greatness God can do,  He's just awesome that way!