Friday, March 27, 2015

What's your 'ONE' thing?

I believe what moved me the most, when I read this passage, was when the psalmist said, "One thing I desired of the Lord, that I will dwell in the house if the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty  the Lord..." - so often my 'one' thing is not what it should be. I wept this morning at that sad truth. I prayed for this to be my desire too, to serve Him daily, for Him to teach me and keep me focused on Him, "For in the midst of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion..." waiting on Him, "he shall strengthen my heart." (v. 5a, 14)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blessins in the Lessons

I loved this devotion from Sarah Young's Jesus Calling in which I saw this,

"I shower blessings on you daily,  but sometimes you don't perceive them.  When your mind is stuck on negative focus,  you neither see me or my gifts. "

Oh how like Eve I can be sometimes (and satan knows it too.)  I end up not focusing on all the trees I can eat from, instead I find myself longing for the fruit off the one tree I can't have. Goodness how guilty I am of often being so overwhelmed with what's NOT going right,  that I miss the blessing of being joyful over all that IS going well! He showers me with lessons (I actually typed 'blessings' and my phone changed it) upon me everyday. Even in the negative there are lessons to be found therefore making them blessings. Help me keep my eyes on you Lord, always!

I will praise thee, O Lord , with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.  I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.   
                  -Psalms 9:1-2