Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Bible Tells Me So...

I'm really bad about letting my voicemail get full, so, tonite, as I was emptying it out, I listened to ones that I had saved several months back. As I listened to a familiar voice, it struck me that the only truth I can count on is Jesus loves me, beyond that, life is a risky business. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful adventure of trusting that He is "faithful to establish, strengthen and guard us from the evil one," (2 Thess. 3:3) and that He has "fashioned all of our days." (Ps. 139:16b) "Why should I worry, why should I fear - when the very same Jesus is always near...," especially when stepping out on faith with an open heart? Hurt and disappointments; mistakes and sadness are just as much a part of this life as joy and love, and excitement and peace are. Learning to trust Him with my heart and life is a process. I'm sure thankful that everyone of His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus - I can count on them, cause the Bible tells me so.


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