The following is the second part to our study of Abigail. I pray that it will be the joyous blessing to you as it was to me. Thanks for letting me share... May The Lord Jesus be glorified as you grow in His grace!
Girls of Grace
I Samuel 25 Abigail woman of wise grace (pt2)
Last time we talked about Abigail’s attributes of preparedness and promptness and that she was a woman of character. She didn’t hesitate to do what was right even in the face of adversity.
What were some verses that you chose to bring power to your prayer life as a woman of character?
As we continue on in I Samuel chapter 25 let’s take a look at how her character blossomed into something that affected all those around her.
v. 19-20, 42 she knew when to be still and then when to move
she had a quiet confidence in The Lord that enabled her to face fear and do what needed to be done. She met David and his men when she saw them approach. She could have easily stayed hidden and allowed Nabal and the rest of their household to be killed but she didn’t.
How can we have that same confidence?
v.23, 41 she was humble and self-sacrificing
she did not render evil for evil. Can you for a moment imagine what living with Nabal must’ve been like? Yet she bows herself before King David and pleads for not only their lives but asks him to place the evil deeds of her husband upon her! Talk about an intercession!
How can we be intercessors for others?
v. 25 she didn’t make excuses, she relied on the truth to fight for her
she knew the situation, she knew what kind of husband she had and she didn’t try to evade the facts or embellish on them, she just said it like it was.
When faced with fighting a battle, how does the truth strengthen you?
v. 29-31 she had a reassuring presence of faith and was settled upon the assurance of the Word of God
she was wise in reminding David of the blessings of The Lord that had followed him thus far in his life; and, that He would always walk beside him and fight his battles. She recognized it was all about God and HIS power...And we see that in v. 32-35 that David’s heart was calmed and his mind changed. He was thankful for Abigail’s gentle and wise grace because it kept him from making a mistake in haste and angered pride. We can learn a thing or two here from David as well...he was WILLING to listen to the truth and let it alter his path for good!
When has your faith been tested? Has someone reminded you of His presence?
Read the remainder of the story....
v. 31 she trusted The Lord with her future
she truly had faith that The Lord was with David and she asked only that David remember her when God dealt withNabal...that had to be a difficult situation...she had to go home to this son of belial and remain until The Lord chose to see fit to change her situation.
What are some ways we are impatient and don’t trust The Lord to bring about his best plan for us?
v. 39 she was humble when she was rewarded for her faithfulness
when David came to take her to wed, she once more bowed before him and was willing to take way less than what was there to offer, yet she wasted no time on bitterness or pride or feelings of unworthiness when accepting the blessing The Lord had brought her. All these years of preparing for that one moment with an angry King changed her life!!
How can we miss out on God’s rewards?
How can we be more like Abigail?
Thanks for joining me on this journey in learning more about a wise woman of grace. Abigail is such a beautiful example of a Proverbs 31 woman. Once more, as we walk away from this time of fellowship and study, it is my prayer that we each glean lessons from His word that will grow us and mold us in to women of character and grace!
This is so good! I'm praying for your study group and know the Lord will be glorified through it all. Love you!