Saturday, January 25, 2014

Phil. 4:8 Sunday School Lesson series..."oh be careful little minds..." Week 3

But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right, …hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly, he isjust, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God.” (Ezekiel 18:5, 9)


Well kiddos, we are on our third lesson this week from our “Oh be careful little minds what you think” series in Philippians 4:8; and boy am I excited to share with you about a pretty awesome lady in the Bible.  Her name was Esther and she was a Queen.  But first let’s talk a little bit about WHY I want to share her story. ..


We have been talking about what our minds should think upon …can anyone tell me what two things we have learned so far we are to thinkupon? Whatsoever things are … TRUE, YES! And whatsoever things are… HONEST…yaaay, you got it right!  We have gotten to know Noah and Samuel, two men who loved God with all their hearts, soulsand strength and …YES, their MINDS.  Well this week we are gonna talk about what it means when the Bible says we are to think upon “whatsoever things are JUST” and get to know beautiful Queen Esther.


The Bible says that the just shall live by faith and that when we live justly we have the promise from the Lord that we shall surely live.  But what exactly does it mean to be “Just”?  Well, it means that we are to live right and good, following what the Lord and His word tell us to do. We are off to a great start because when we are thinking about True and Honest things; then good, fair and right (Just) things are right around the corner …


Now let me introduce you to Esther, or Hadassah, as her family called her.  She was a young Jewish girl who had been raised by her Uncle Mordecai. He was a good man who loved the Lord and who loved Esther.  He had raised her when her parents died.  The Bible says that Estherwas “fair and beautiful” and when King Ahasuerus was looking for a new Queen, he found Esther to very pleasing and he took her as his wife but he did NOT know she was a Jew (one of God’s chosen people)!   Mordecai had told her not to tell anyone she was a Jewess.  Little did Esther know God was working behind the scene, putting her where He could use her most.  There was a prince in the kingdom the King had promoted and he wasn’t a very nice man, his name was Haman.  He wanted everyone to bow down to him and he particularly didn’t like the Jews.  But, Mordecai was NOT going to bow to Haman nor show him reverence.  Only to God would Mordecai show reverence… when Haman found out Mordecai was a Jew, well, he devised a plan to kill the Jews and Mordecai.  And the king without knowing his beloved Esther was a Jew, sent out a decree to kill all the Jews.  When Esther heard this she was very sad and afraid.  She knew that she would have to tell the king, but in those days, to enter in to where the King was sitting without being invited was sure to mean death.  But she was a just woman of God …she thought on the truth of God’s word and was honest about who she was, she was fair and good and did what she knew was right.  She trusted the Lord…she told Mordecai to gather all her people and fast and pray…pray HARD for her because she was going to see the king, even if it meant her death.  


And kids, the Lord protected her…she found favor in the sight of her husband the King.  She had a banquet planned for King Ahasuerus and Haman to attend where she would reveal that Haman had planned to kill her and her people… (By the decree the King had signed).  Queen Estherhad asked the King to protect her and her people and because he loved her he said he would without even asking her where she was from or who her people were.  And in the end, the Lord delivered Esther, Mordecai and all the Jews under King Ahasueres reign.    God says in His word that the just that live by faith shall surely live and Queen Esther was a perfect example of that promise coming true… she was thinking upon those just things that which is good and fair and right…she lived by faith in God and His word of truth and He protected her and that promise is for us too!! So when you put your “Thinking Crowns” on today, and you see all those Just Jewels, remember to think upon them and live for the Lord and love Him with all your what??? YES, all your heart, your soul, your mind and your strength!!


Activity/craft:  “Thinking Crown” with Just Jewels…

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