Saturday, March 15, 2014

O be careful little week's lesson...PRAISE

O Be Careful Little Minds…

Phil. 4:8 Sunday School Series


Well guys, here we are at the final week in our lessons from Philippians 4:8.  I can’t believe it!!  It has been such a wonderful journey for Ms. Misty and I to learn right along side of you kiddos about the things we should always think upon… Whatsoever things are  TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, OF GOOD REPORT, if there be any VIRTUE, and of course this week’s lesson rounding them out…if there be any PRAISE…think on these things!!  


This week, we are going to talk about the passage of scripture in the bible, Psalm 100. But first, let’s rewind a bit to the past few weeks…Do you guys remember Noah, a man of truth? Or Samuel the honest prophet, what about the just Queen Esther?  Stephen was a man who thought on things which were pure, to the point of his wonderful forgiveness of others…remember him?   I loved the Lovely friendship of David and Jonathan, what a joy.  And David who had a good report because he trusted God and fought the giant…and last week, we spoke of Ruth, a woman of virtue…wow, look at all the people we have learned about each week and how they ALL were children of God who loved Him and praised him with their actions and thoughts, how we, when we get our HEARTS and MINDS fixed upon these things Philippians 4:8 talks about, then we will be praising Him all the time.  He is good kiddos…really really good!!


What a wonderful joy it is to PRAISE THE LORD!!  Let us take a look at our passage for this week …


In verse 1 of psalm 100, David is talking about how we ALL should be praising him…shout for joy the bible says.  He created everything and everyone.  Genesis 1:1 tells us that!  

In verse 2, he talks about serving the Lord with all of our heart… what kind of heart? A HAPPY heart, thankful and so “Whatsoever ye (we) do, do it heartily as unto the Lord” (Col. 3:23)

In verse 3, we can be assured that we are His FOREVER and He is in control.  He made us and He will keep us always…”My beloved is mine and I am His. He feedeth his flock amond the lilies” (Song of Sol. 2:16a)  We can count on Him!!

In verse 4, when we have a heart filled up with thankfulness when we greet the world each day, that shows how grateful we are to Him for being so good to us!  It honors God!  “Oh give thanks to the Lord; for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever..” (Psalm 107:1)

In verse 5, the psalmist makes sure to sing the truth of how God is forever faithful, His mercy is everlasting… do you guys remember how long everlasting is?  YEP, for always and always it never ends…kinda like the infinity symbol you are gonna glue on your heart today in your craft.  God is good forever and ever!  “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, his faithfulness continues…” (Psalm 100:5)


Can you guys see how all the ones we have talked about the past few weeks are all people of PRAISE?  They “fixed” their hearts upon the Lord and praised him with their thoughts and actions!! Today, I pray that each one of us will walk away with our hearts and minds fixed upon God’s truth and love…for He truly is good and His mercy definitely is everlasting!!  


Activity/Craft:  My HEART of Praise!




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